
Plants by Common Name

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Eschscholzia californica 'White' Native Plant

White California Poppy

Wisteria sinensis 'Alba'

White Chinese Wisteria

Abies concolor Native Plant

White Fir

Ribes indecorum Native Plant

White Flowered Currant

Leptospermum scoparium 'Album Flore Plen

White Flowering Tea Tree

Gaura lindheimeri

White Gaura

Eucalyptus leucoxylon

White Ironbark

Chrysanthemum frutescens 'White Lady'

White Lady Marguerite

Agapanthus 'White'

White Lily of the Nile

Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy'

White Nancy Dead Nettle

Bauhinia mexicana

White Orchid Tree

Zephyranthes candida

White Rain Lily, Zephyr Flower

Cistus X hybridus

White Rockrose

Salvia apiana Native Plant

White Sage, Sacred White Sage

Delosperma 'Alba'

White Trailing Ice Plant

Lantana montevidensis 'White'

White Trailing Lantana

Myoporum parvifolium 'Putah Creek'

Wide-Leaf Myoporum Putah Creek

Philadelphus lewisii Native Plant

Wild Mock Orange

Anemone blanda

Windflower or Greek Anemone

Trachycarpus fortunei

Windmill Palm, Hemp Palm

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